GreenEarth Cleaning

Affiliate News

THE INSPIRED ECONOMIST - 6/26/2009 Created by Xeros, this machine replaces the old school idea of cleaning clothes. The technology goes with full on chemistry advances by replacing the majority of the water with reusable nylon polymer beads, the machine can clean clothes in less time...

INDIASERVER - 6/26/2009 Well, the machine is not TOTALLY waterless, but promises to use less than 90% of the water that current machines use....

WC NEWS - 6/25/2009 That was the good reason for the researchers from the Leeds University in Britain to think about this problem and to search for the solutions. They come up with the washing machine which will use just a one cup of water!...

PHYSICS TODAY - 6/25/2009 Cambridge Consultants Ltd have developed the world's first virtually waterless washing machine in conjunction with Stephen Burkinshaw, from the University of Leeds who came up with the technique, and a university startup company called Xeros Ltd. ...

FUTURE TECHNOLOGY - 6/25/2009 Xeros is busy working on an entirely new breed of washing machines that will be using only a cup of water per load and relying on nylon beads to trap dirt and stains for hundreds of washes....

THE GREEN WAY - 6/25/2009 Along with partners GreenEarth Cleaning, Xeros, which has been testing the machine for three years, will sell the machines in North America, at first mostly to commercial dry cleaners and Laundromats, LiveScience reported....

FIBRE2FASHION - 6/23/2009 At the world’s largest textile care exposition,GreenEarth Cleaning, LLC and Xeros Ltd announced a new partnership to bring "virtually waterless” laundry cleaning technology to the retail dry cleaning industry....

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