To learn more about future-proofing your business, contact our Business Development Manager, Angela Harris.
It seems to me that you have done a thorough research and based on your findings and understanding you have determined that the waste generated from your operations is not hazardous waste because it is not listed as hazardous waste and because it does not exhibit any hazardous waste characteristics. Be aware that the determination you have made is exclusive of the chemicals and the process you currently utilize.
Hazardous Materials Division; Department of Environmental Health, County of San Diego
(GreenEarth) as an alternative dry cleaning solvent will not pose adverse health risks to the public ... ARB sees no need to regulate its use.
California Air; Resources Board, 2008
The environmental safety of the GreenEarth process allowed us to secure a long-term lease with Tide Dry Cleaners in one of our shopping centers. This store is the first and only dry cleaning plant permitted in the city of Prairie Village, Kansas.
Owen Buckley; President, Lane 4 Property Group
D5 silicone does not pose a danger to the environment or its biological diversity...Based on the information before (the Review Board), the projected future uses of Siloxane D5 will not pose a danger to the environment or its biological diversity.
Environment Canada; Expert Board of Review 2012
We took a close look at how perc compares to the newer “green” processes in regards to both cleaning and impact on the environment. We found that while perc is good on greasy stains like oil and lipstick, GreenEarth, a liquid silicone cleaner that’s supposed to degrade to sand, carbon dioxide, and water was the best overall at removing stains.
Good Housekeeping; July 28, 2011
GreenEarth’s environmental profile doesn’t just solve the problem of perc and other hydrocarbon alternatives; it creates opportunities—lots of them. With GreenEarth, property owners no longer need “no dry cleaner” restrictions. GreenEarth is safe for our air, water, and soil.
With GreenEarth, there is nothing to pollute the air, water, or soil. So there is no hazardous waste, no worry about costly clean-ups, no environmental liability barriers to bank financing, and no cause for community concern.
Every dry cleaning transaction means two trips. The best drycleaning customers want to drop off/pick up at the location providing the service. That means two visits by the right kind of customers, week in and week out, with higher incomes and more discretionary dollars to spend. There is no better traffic builder.
GreenEarth’s Prime Properties program ensures hassle-free dry cleaning compliance. GreenEarth provides the inspections and reports to give you the assurance that your tenant is adhering to your terms. The GreenEarth Cleaning system has been approved for use by hundreds of landlords, including industry leaders such as Kimco, Edens & Avant, and Regency Centers.