GreenEarth Cleaning

GreenEarth Blog

The pandemic has had a massive effect on all of us. Whether you've been working from home while simultaneously running your own daycare, forced to change career paths and adjusting to a new lifestyle, or simply feeling isolated and missing friends and family, it's beginning...

“Cleaning is Caring”—that’s the overarching message of the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) recently launched campaign, which advocates that good cleaning habits ensure a healthy and safe future for everyone.  In a new survey conducted on behalf of the organization, 70% of Americans view cleaning less as...

In the UK, it’s estimated one-third of clothing either end up going to landfill or is incinerated.  Also, purchases are continuing to be on the rise in the UK ahead of other countries. Around 10 years ago, there was very much a focus on vintage...

After months of working remotely, we have finally reached the point where employers are preparing to bring their people back to the office. Thanks to vaccines, businesses are reopening their doors and welcoming back their staff and customers alike. The long-awaited reuniting of communities across...

“The Earth is what we all have in common.” In a year when our differences have certainly been on full display and we often need to be reminded we have more in common than what divides us, the quote from American author and poet, Berry...

The days are growing longer, the temperatures are inching higher, and the flowers are blooming—spring is officially here! That also means it’s patio cushion cleaning time. After a long, cold winter, getting outside, soaking up the sun, and breathing in some fresh air is good...

It’s fair to say that 2020 and even 2021 so far have presented many complexities for the learning generation of today. Whether it’s a child taking their first steps into learning, or mature students starting a new career path.  Homeschooling and learning certainly have their place,...

It is no secret that most people have spent an enormous amount of time in their homes the past twelve months. With a pandemic and record cold temperatures, families have been snuggled up indoors for what feels like an eternity. Good News! Spring is just...

The significance of diversifying your business has never been more prevalent than it is in the current state of our global economy. We’ve witnessed businesses around the world—not only in dry cleaning but in all retail spaces—dependent on over-the-counter sales with no other source of...

Here at GreenEarth Cleaning, we’ve long championed that every day be celebrated like it’s Earth Day. So it’s only fitting that when the planet-loving holiday does officially roll around, we make a pretty big to-do about it.  In 2019, we kicked off our inaugural Earth Day...

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