GreenEarth Cleaning

AMERICAN DRYCLEANER - 6/20/2009 Squibco Solutions’ has inked a deal with GreenEarth Cleaning to use its silicon-based solvent in its portable drapery and window-treatment cleaning system. ...

AMERICAN DRYCLEANER - 6/20/2009 Squibco Solutions’ has inked a deal with GreenEarth Cleaning to use its silicon-based solvent in its portable drapery and window-treatment cleaning system. ...

CNET - 6/18/2009 Now, after three years of testing, Xeros, a University of Leeds spinout (forgive the pun), has struck a deal with Kansas City-based GreenEarth Cleaning. It aims to start reselling Xeros washing machines throughout North America next year. ...

ROCKY MOUNT TELEGRAM - 2/2/2009 A Rocky Mount dry cleaner has become the first in town to install new environmentally friendly "green” equipment that uses liquefied sand instead of a potentially toxic solvent to clean clothes....

NORTHUMBERLAND GAZETTE - /19/2009 She said: "It's fantastic we've been chosen to be an official Johnson Cleaners GreenEarth store. A lot of hard work has gone into refurbishing the branch and we've all received additional training on the benefits of using greener cleaning technology. It reflects...

YOURHUB.COM - 1/2/2009 GreenEarth Cleaners got local residents talking when they opened their new, eco-friendly dry cleaning store last November. Customers are finding there is a lot to like about the store's cutting edge cleaning and conveniences....

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