GreenEarth Cleaning

Good Buys vs. Good Bye’s: Mindful Consumerism Trends We’ve Been Loving

In a world plagued by over consumption and instant gratification, it is easy to overlook the things you already own. Inevitably the rush of a recent purchase will fade, and a new retail fixation will arise. Fast fashion is constantly moving the goalpost of staying in vogue. Now with a full closet and “nothing to wear,” we are met with choice overload and canceled plans. Sometimes having too many options can be a detriment, let’s normalize outfit repeating and reimagining old favorites before buying new. Take the pledge of mindful consumerism, and get inspired by these viral clothing challenges that we’re loving!

Closet Clean Out

In the vein of reimaging your wardrobe, break free from choice paralysis by decluttering your closet. Forcing yourself to face the unworn items might provide you with perspective and inform your future purchases. Do you really need 13 pairs of jeans? How often did you really wear that sheer blouse? Are you ever going to rewear those shoes that give you blisters? The hope is that you will reflect and not repeat unnecessary splurges. The KonMari Method created by Marie Kondo inspired people worldwide to take control of their space and make the hard decisions that come with decluttering.

333 Style Challenge

Toronto-based fashion influencer, Rachel Spencer (@rachspeed), has gamified the concept of a capsule wardrobe with the 333 style method/ challenge. Approved by Vogue, Vanity Fair, Marie Claire, and more, this challenge has made waves among online fashion communities. Participants are tasked with generating as many outfit combinations as they can using 3 tops, 3 bottoms, and 3 shoe options of their choice. This is a great way to get versatile with your wardrobe and hone in on your personal style.

No Buy Challenge

With the convenience of online shopping and the temptation of flash sales, it’s easy to succumb to impulse purchases. Enter the No Buy Challenge, a trend founded on the premise of cutting back on unnecessary purchases including clothing, shoes, and accessories for a set period of time. By imposing constraints on spending, participants are encouraged to reevaluate their purchasing habits and choose conscious consumerism. Whether it’s repairing, resizing or rediscovering old favorites, the challenge prioritizes a sense of quality over quantity that transcends the temporary thrill of a new purchase. Find a GreenEarth Affiliate near you that offers dry cleaning and alterations for a one-stop shop to make your clothing feel and look brand new.
@christina.mychas Every January since 2019 when i started my debt free journey, I’ve done a No Buy Challenge. I did my first one to kick off my debt free journey & to heal my emotional spending habit. now i do it as a Dopamine Detox , to reset my system & find joy and USE out of the things i already have. My mantra for 2024 is “styling over shopping”, so what better way to kick off the New Year than with a No Buy detox. These are my rules for my first No Buy month of the year, and my exceptions. Make sure to follow along on Youtube and subscribe to my free Minimalist-ish Newsletter if you want more help and motivation in your no/low buy! #nobuyjanuary #nobuy #lowbuy #nospendchallenge #nospendmonth #nobuyrules #dopaminedetox #minimalistliving #greenscreen ♬ original sound - Christina

No Buying New/ Thrift The Look For Less

If committing to no new purchases feels too extreme for you, consider partaking in the sister challenge, No Buying New. There are currently enough clothes on the planet to clothe the next 6 generations of humanity, this trend is a great way to reduce waste while continuing to build your dream wardrobe sustainably. Under this umbrella trend of not buying first-hand clothing, consider the Thrift The Look For Less challenge. Trends are always coming back, we’ve seen it with the resurgence of slip dresses and kitten heels. This challenge pulls from a reference photo or style concept, participants are tasked with recreating the ensembles using thrifted items. This is great for people looking to venture into a new style aesthetic at an affordable cost.
In a world inundated with fast fashion and consumerism, embracing sustainable fashion practices has become more important than ever. Avoid over consumption and be intentional with your future purchases. Choice overload can leave you feeling uninspired, gamify the experience pulling from these challenges or create your own. When shopping your closet, consider what were good buys versus what are good bye’s. What items stood the test of time and which didn’t get worn? How will this inform your future spending?

Author: Erin Horne

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