SAN FRANCISCO — The Tuchman Advisory Group (T.A.G.) held an informative and successful meeting recently in Orlando, Fla., and notes: “The highlight of our meeting was touring the Walt Disney World Textile Services & Costume Processing Facility.”

“That facility cleans 30,000 pieces per day and approximately 220,000 lbs. per week. Our meetings were held in the outstanding conference facilities and restaurants at the Disney Boardwalk Hotel, and Disney Yacht and Beach Club Resorts.”

The service and attention to detail by the Disney staff was uniformly excellent regarding every aspect of our meeting, T.A.G. relates, and notes: “We stayed in luxurious rooms at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort.”

At the meeting, each T.A.G. member gave a presentation on the latest status of their company to the group. Topics addressed during the meeting included: healthcare, insurance, payroll/bookkeeping issues, 2016 vs. 2017 financial comparisons, status of 2017 goals, and setting 2018 goals.

“We were delighted that many of our members had their families join them through the weekend to enjoy the various parks at Walt Disney World,” the group adds.

The group’s next meeting, it indicates, will be hosted by Colvin Cleaners located in Buffalo, N.Y. in June, 2018.