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These are the top tips on how to treat cashmere like a queen…
The best way to store cashmere
According to Will, cashmere should be stored loosely in drawers or folded and hung over the bar of a quality hanger in a well ventilated, clean, cool, dry wardrobe. “Using good quality hangers will ensure your clothes hold their shape, especially as clothes like to breathe. Another good option is to store your cashmere in vacuum packs – this is a great option for special pieces that only get taken out on few occasions.”
Can you wash cashmere?
In short, no. “Cleaning cashmere is never easy, which is why the best advice I could give is to use a reputable dry cleaner,” Will says. “They should be able to recommend the best cleaning method for that particular garment. It’s amazing how many care labels will recommend a particular cleaning method and it’s actually incorrect. At Jeeves, we provide advice to many of the world’s best-known fashion houses, to ensure they give the correct advice on their garment care labels.”
Do moths eat cashmere?
Moths love cashmere, particularly if it has been worn, as they are attracted to the natural oils on our skin. “To store it safely, make sure it is clean and dry. Be sure to use moth sachets in your wardrobe and drawers and refresh these regularly. Cedar wood does have some protective effects but you are much better off using the sachets. We recommend Colibri or Acana.”
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Do you have to throw cashmere away if you have holes in?
No, take it to a reputable tailor, Will advises. “If the hole is relatively small, they should be able to repair it without you ever knowing the difference … If you suspect the hole is due to moth damage, inspect the rest of your garments right away. Pay particular attention to hemlines and under the arms, this is where the larvae like to hide. Then, take your garments to a dry cleaner to have them cleaned. This will ensure the larvae are dead. If you have carpets made from real wool, call in a pest control expert. We use Rentokil at our Centre of Excellence and all of our shops.”