GreenEarth Cleaning


Hiring After Covid

As we get back to business post-COVID, many of us are ready to hire, and the age-old question “how do I find good people?” seems more difficult than ever to answer.
It isn’t easy, it’s never been easy. But now we’re seeing an increase in job openings for the first time in years, resulting in a workforce shortage. That’s right, another shortage. So now good candidates are less likely to come to us. We have to go get them. We’ll need to be more aggressive in our search and make our offer more appealing to draw the right people.

Many of us begin the search when we need to fill a position. Unfortunately, that is often too late, leading us to make poor choices to make quick hires, not necessarily good hires. 

To start, we should always be hiring. It’s easy to have job listings online and simply go through the submissions weekly. Whenever a candidate really sticks out, give them a call.  The listing needs to provide details about the job, specific qualifications to do the job, and give details about pay, vacations, and benefits. This work on the front end will help both you and the potential applicant weed each other out.

Linkedin and Indeed are both easy platforms to use for finding the right people. Keeping your company profiles updated lets applicants get to know you, your business, and what you stand for. Everyone on these platforms is either working, looking for work, or knows someone looking for work. Posting a job on any of these platforms is free, and for a few more dollars, you can promote your posting to attract more applicants with the qualifications you need. And the best part, these platforms can work to find candidates for you, screen based on their resume, and you can review their profiles and applications on your schedule.

Another strategy we’ve been using recently that has had some success for Affiliates is posting a well-branded, creative ad on Facebook simply announcing you’re hiring, then linking that ad to a detailed job listing on Indeed or Linkedin. That user experience is easily navigated and also helps weed out some of the unqualified applicants we might receive through Facebook natively. A current campaign on Facebook has reached over 2,000 people in one week, received over 80 clicks, and 54 applications submitted.

In-Person Networking

When you are out and about during your day, be on the lookout. If someone impresses you, take a moment to let them know and that you are looking for people like them. Do they have a friend that is looking for work or a career change? Good people hang out with good people, and with training, they can become exceptional employees for you. I have been lucky to get a steady pipeline of new hires from a hire I made nine years ago. Each time an employee has moved on, I ask them if they can recommend filling their position.


Brand awareness is essential when enticing applicants. Think of your hiring ad as an opportunity to advertise your company. When our GreenEarth marketing team creates ads for Affiliates, they talk a little about the job and a bit more about why a candidate should apply. With a competitive job market, talking about what you can do for them will get their attention. Promote your vision and help potential applicants see how they can fit in and how you fit with their goals. 

The goal of your ad is to attract like-minded individuals. For example, sustainability is important to us, so we want to hire people who care about the environment. If they understand your goals, training comes easily. Mention that you use GreenEarth® because it is sustainable, odorless, and safe for people, clothes, and our planet, and you will attract even more applicants aligned with you.

If you are having trouble finding suitable candidates, reach out to us for assistance. Our team can create an ad campaign and job listing for you, using GreenEarth exclusive imagery and proven copy to attract applicants to help you keep your pipeline flowing. 

Reach out to us for ad content and assistance at

By: Karen Maxwell

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