GreenEarth Cleaning


Summer Sustainability

Summer sustainability! In dry cleaning?

By: Ron Benjamin

What’s the best way to take care of your summer wardrobe while at the same time taking care of the planet? And to enjoy extra time this summer?

In the minds of many consumers who care about doing the right thing for their linen, silk, cotton, poly, and other summer clothes, washing by hand or in a delicate washing machine cycle makes the most sense. And yet, studies have shown that cleaning and pressing using the GreenEarth process not only extends the life of garments, but because nothing goes down the washing machine drain into waste water treatment plants, it’s also easier on the environment.

The added bonus of not having to do the washing and ironing at home while at the same time having perfectly finished light and bright summer favorites makes summer sustainability even better! Bring us a few of your favorite items so that we can show you first-hand how summer convenience and summer sustainability go hand in hand.

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